Soloshot Updates

stacey |
Updates August 3, 2014 - Another new firmware release is out. Soloshot says "We're keeping you on your toes - and up to date - with the raddest, most effective SOLOSHOT2 Firmware. Check out the most current improvements by downloading and installing Firmware Version 3.0.2 here."
New or imptoved features with version 3.0.2 include:
ā¢ Improved tilt tracking
ā¢ Increased tilt range to 140 degrees (80 degrees up and 60 degrees down)
ā¢ Enhanced Multi-Mode set up functionality (single Base tracking multiple Tags)
ā¢ Smoothed Multi-Angle tracking (multiple Bases tracking a single Tag)
Be sure to visit Soloshot for detailed instructions on downloading and installing your 3.0.2 Firmware Update.
July 17, 2015
If you have a Soloshot automatic camera system be sure to check for firmware updates. Several new features have been added to help your Soloshot system continue to film if signal is temporarily lost, if you have altitude changes, or if you are using mulitple sytems together. You can visit the Soloshot Firmware page to find updates for all of your equipment here.
The how-to instruction guides have also been rewritten to be simpler and easier to follow. If you would like an updated instruction sheet simply click here to download the guide for your particular Soloshot system.