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About Goat Strings with Lynn Smith and Rattler Ropes

stacey |

The Rattler girl's goat string line up has 4 options for tiers at different levels of competition. The Soft is great for novice goat tiers or kids learning to tie. For juniors the Soft Medium is a little bit snappier for a beginner ready to move up to a little stiffer string. Medium lay, also called original, has quite a bit of body and life. This medium is a firm string and will add speed to your ties. The Hard or Pro string. Designed for optimum speed designed for girls who have been tying for a long time and can handle a stiffer string. Lynn recommends that strings should be switched after every 5-10 runs. Strings should also be broken in and conditioned using rosin or beeswax before each run to help ties stay secure and tight.