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What You Need to Know About Tax Exemptions

hayden |

With tax season come and gone, here’s some things to keep in mind for the next year! Whether you’re getting back on the rodeo road, starting or finishing cattle, or trying to qualify for the world series team roping, here are some things you need to know about Ag/Timber numbers.

Farmers, ranchers, and timber manufacturers can claim exemptions from SOME Texas taxes when buying certain items that are used specifically to produce agriculture or timber products that will be sold (such as feedlot operations, and contract logging)

Here are some things you need to know:

    • You MUST have a valid ag/timber number for your purchase to be tax exempt
    • You can NOT use an expired card or number
    • Rodeos and rodeo equipment/gear do NOT qualify for tax exemptions
    • Saddles only qualify if being used for farm/ranch use
    • Only veterinary practices that make farm or ranch calls qualify for tax exemption
    • If questioned, YOU are responsible for defending what you claimed for tax purposes, we are not.

    To claim tax exemption, you have to apply for an ag/timber registration number from the Comptroller. When using your ag/timber number, you must include it on the agricultural exemption certificate when purchasing qualifying items.